Author Update October 9, 2019

From the comic strip “Peanuts” by the late Charles Schulz

Last night I received an email saying that my twelfth short story has been accepted for publication in an anthology. Since I didn’t receive explicit permission to disclose details, I can’t tell you anything about it…yet.

Well, it was an adapted version of a story I wrote for a writing challenge. As I recall, it was a musical writing challenge. It was also a theme that I expanded into (most of) an online novel, so long time readers have probably come across at least part of it.

In time for Halloween, it’s horror but it’s also a love story (sort of).

This is on top of rejection after rejection after rejection. Really, I receive far more rejections than I do acceptances.

I know many of you have encouraged me to expand my flash fiction piece The Clockwork Dragon. Yesterday morning, inspiration struck, and at work, I was able to take a few notes, roughing out the plot. When I got home from work, I wrote about 700 words or so before my brain ran out of power. The story is due October 15th, so I have just less than a week to do the writing and editing. Wish me luck.

Insomnia struck again last night, so I’m gulping down my first cup of coffee in the morning trying to clear away the cobwebs.

Sitting here with the check for my first freelance (non-fiction) writing gig plus a tiny amount from royalties on one of the fiction anthologies (just a few bucks, really). Still, it’s nice to see that something tangible has come out of all this effort.

Got to see about breakfast now, then get ready for my slave day job.

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