

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

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“What are you doing with that big stick, Mike?” Then Jessie saw what he was doing. “Wait. Those were Mam’s favorites. She paid a lot for them.”

“Mam is dead and she willed this junk to me. Now get out of the way, Sis.”

“She loved all her little pieces of junk. At least you…” She tried to grab the club out of his hands but he wouldn’t let go.

“You got the house and the car.”

“Sure, I’m older and I’ve got two kids.”

“She made me throw out my vintage silver age comic books when I was fifteen.”

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Kickstarter for “Zehlreg A. Grindstone’s Spectacular Western Oddity Emporium” Launches Tomorrow!

zagIf you like my work, buy me a virtual cup of coffee at Ko-Fi.

Remember when I said that my western/horror short story “Blood Trail” was accepted for publication by End of the World Pubishing?

Well, the kickstarter starts tomorrow morning, Friday, May 31st!

According to the publisher, the final word count will be around 125K, which is huge. Also, reaching for the stars, they also want to raise enough for an audiobook as well.

Go to the Zehlreg A. Grindstone’s Spectacular Western Oddity Emporium kickstarter page. If necessary, create an account (I had to go through about a dozen captchas just to make mine).

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My Novelette “The Fallen Shall Rise” is FREE Starting February 14th

feb freeIf you like my work, buy me a virtual cup of coffee at Ko-Fi.

My SciFi space opera novelette The Fallen Shall Rise is available as a FREE download from Amazon onto your kindle from today, February 14th (a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your science fiction friend or companion) through the end of the week on the 18th.

This book is part of the 224-verse as published by Starry Eyed Press.

It ends somewhat on a “cliffhanger” (well, not exactly), so I’m in the process of finalizing my draft of its sequel and my first novel, currently called “The Second War”, although things are still a bit fluid.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll find in “Fallen”:

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Get “The Haunting of the Ginger’s Regret” for FREE!

If you like my work, buy me a virtual cup of coffee at Ko-Fi.

From today, December 8th through the 12th. these digital books from Starry Eyed Press are absolutely free for download onto your Kindle device:

SKIN TRADERS: https://books2read.com/SkinTraders

THE HAUNTING OF THE GINGER’S REGRET: https://books2read.com/TheHauntingoftheGingersRegret

PEOPLE OF THE SPIRE: https://books2read.com/Spire

They’re all set in the 224-verse including my novelette The Haunting of the Ginger’s Regret.

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Tomorrow! Free Books!

promo decIf you like my work, buy me a virtual cup of coffee at Ko-Fi.

In time to be really cool Christmas gifts. From December 8th through the 12th. these digital books from Starry Eyed Press are absolutely free for download onto your Kindle device:

SKIN TRADERS: https://books2read.com/SkinTraders

THE HAUNTING OF THE GINGER’S REGRET: https://books2read.com/TheHauntingoftheGingersRegret

PEOPLE OF THE SPIRE: https://books2read.com/Spire

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New Four-Star Review of “Ice” on goodreads!


Cover art for my fantasy novelette “Ice”

If you like my work, buy me a virtual cup of coffee at Ko-Fi.

People are downloading and hopefully reading my fantasy novelette Ice from Amazon on their kindles. No new Amazon reviews yet, but there was a terrific one on goodreads I want to share. There are also a number of folks who have marked that they are reading “Ice” or it’s on their to-read list.

But first, the review:

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Get “The Fallen Shall Rise” for Free Starting Tomorrow!


Free #scifi #ebook offered on #Amazon July 16 – 20, 2022 by James Pyles and Starry Eyed Press . https://www.amazon.com/Fallen-Shall-Rise-224-Verse-ebook/dp/B09SP7VK38

♬ Science – TimTaj

If you like my work, buy me a virtual cup of coffee at Ko-Fi.

Free five-day giveaway from Amazon to your kindle starting tomorrow! Please feel free to write an honest review.


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